From 4-9 August, litterARTI and Trinity Community Arts, are hosting a week long WASTEofSPACE exhibition at the Trinity Centre. We are working in partnership and sponsorship with The Arts Council and National Lottery, Bristol Council and Bristol Energy Group, as well the Green Capital Partnership.
We are working with the following artists already: Fiona Campbell, Peter Margerum and Jethro Brice, and looking for more recycling artists and community artists to exhibit their work, sell work and also to assist in workshops. We are planning to run these events across Bristol next year and beyond, and through this event aspire to create a network of artists who already work with “waste” as resource or theme in their work.
LitterARTI sees litter-issues as an opportunity as a readily available resource, to educate about waste, recycling and sustainability. We seek to get together a network of recycling-artists and provide training and set up opportunities to work within the communities, set up corporate partnerships which allow for the combination of your natural talents as makers, creators and inventors, performers and sound-barrier-breakers to educate the community through workshops, co-created art exhibitions etc. Read more about what drives us here.
We have some funding available for artists, as a half paid / half voluntary based commitment, and setting up a crowdfunding campaign to get more, as we are trying to get all artists paid for this important work and also to create more work opportunities and partnerships with much bigger impact across Bristol and the South West. However, we do need your help to do this together.
Please get in touch in the form below, if you want to be involved as an (upcycling) recycling-artist / designer – selling your work, exhibiting, or running a workshop. Or to facilitate a workshop , or do a performance.
Also if you are interested to be involved in litterARTI – as artists being actively involved in creating solutions towards sustainability, we will offer training, as well as Police Clearance checks for those involved.
Please contact us to get added to the mailing list and I will get in touch with you!
Look forward to hearing from you!
[contact-form-7 id=”311″ title=”RECYCLING ARTISTS CONTACT”]